KONTEXTS PUBLICATIONS ceased publishing in 1983, but a number of our publications are still available. Some are even priced at the old 1983 rates (allowing for inflation)!
KONTEXTS started out in 1969 as a magazine of visual and concrete poetry. A total of ten issues were published until 1977. All issues are now unfortunately out of print.
(Amsterdam 1977). A compilation of sound poetry activity published on the occasion of the 10th International Festival of Sound Poetry, Stockholm, Amsterdam and London, 1977. Includes sound poetry chronology and discography, interviews with Bob Cobbing and Sten Hanson, articles by Bernard Heidsieck, Francois Dufrene, Henri Chopin, Gerhard Ruhm, etc. and scores & texts by Bengt Emil Johnson, Ake Hodell, Arrigo Lora-Totino, Chris Cheek, & others. € 10,-
(Amsterdam 1978). A travelling collection of new poetries and artworks from Canada, USA and Mexico. Includes John Baldessari, Charles Bernstein, Felipe Ehrenburg, Albert M. Fine, Peter Frank, Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, Jackson Mac Low, Opal L. Nations, Jerome Rothenburg, Carolee Schneemann, Lawrence Weiner, etc. € 12,-
(Amsterdam 1978-83). The fearless, idiosyncratic review of art in The Netherlands, focussing particularly on the marginal and the new, written mostly by artists, and featuring interviews with such luminaries as General Idea, Vito Acconci, Reindeer Werk, Al Hansen, Milan Knizak, and Lawrence Weiner. 28 issues published.
The complete set is priced at € 115,- Apart from the very early ones, most issues are available separately - enquire for details.
David Mayor, FRAGMEN
(Exeter 1972). A mini-book by the legendary Fluxshoe organiser, signed. a few copies remaining, € 12,--Robert Lax, SPRING SONG
(Exeter 1974), a 3-colour letterpress poem card to celebrate the arrival of Spring. € 6,--Ulises Carrion, 6 PLAYS
(Amsterdam 1976). Minimal dramaticules by the master of the book. Letterpress edition of 100 numbered copies. Last few copies! € 75,-Michael Gibbs, LIMITS
(Amsterdam 1977). A linguistic progression from disorder to order. Mimeo. Edition of 200 numbered copies, € 25,- ; 18 signed copies lettered A-Q and containing an original page of artwork, € 75,-Michael Gibbs, THE RISE AND FALL OF THE ALPHABET LEAVES ITS TRACES
(Kontexts, Amsterdam/Good Elf Publications, London & Stockholm). An A4 card published on the occasion of the 10th International festival of text-sound compositions, 1977. € 7,-Michael Gibbs, SELECTED PAGES
(Amsterdam 1978). Page/book transformations/treatments. Edition of 300 numbered copies, € 15,- ; 26 signed copies lettered A-Z with an original work,
€ 75,-
Jackson Mac Low, PHONE
(Amsterdam/New York 1979). A poem and 10 variations, with a drawing specially made for the edition by Ray Johnson. Few copies remaining! € 25,-Capalula, THEORY - 140 STATEMENTS
(Amsterdam 1979). A radical analysis of literary/artistic forms of performance, showing how shifts in cultural perception demand new relationships between writer, text and audience. € 5,-Jan Voss, BRIEF MARKS
(Amsterdam 1979). 902 drawings printed on 10 perforated and gummed sheets, bound in wrappers. Numbered edition of 300, € 12,- ; 26 signed copies lettered A-Z each with an original drawing pasted to the cover. € 35,-
Michael Gibbs, EXTINCTION
(In-Out Productions, Amsterdam 1974). Published on the occasion of the artist's first exhibition in Holland. € 30,-Michael Gibbs, SPECULATIONS
(AAA Press, Maastricht 1975). 4 hand-pressed biscuit prints. signed & numbered edition of 9 copies. € 175,-Michael Gibbs, 5 COLOURED ALPHABETS IN BLACK AND WHITE
(ColleXtion, Antwerp 1975). Five fold out sheets in wrappers. edition of 500 numbered copies. € 35,-Michael Gibbs, NUMERATIONS
(Amsterdam 1978). Fold-out stamped card. Edition of 25 numbered & signed copies. € 25,-Michael Gibbs, INFINITEIGHTIONS
(Amsterdam 1978). Fold-out stamped card. Edition of 25 numbered & signed copies. € 25,-Michael Gibbs and Bill Gaglione, LANGWE JART
(1978). A collaborative publication made in Mexico and San Francisco. € 10,-Michael Gibbs, THE ABSENT WORDS
(Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, 1980). Exhibition catalogue/artist's book, with introduction/interview by Jorg Zutter. € 30,-Michael Gibbs and Claudia Kölgen, INNOCENCE & EXPERIENCE
(AIR, Amsterdam 1992). Book about collaborative photo-text installation dealing with contemporary notions of the sublime, with essays by Heinz Paetzold and Andrew Wilson.
€ 30,-Michael Gibbs and Claudia Kölgen, HEAVEN AND EARTH
(London & Glasgow, 1994). The artists' second collaboration, focussing on bungee jumping. With an essay by Arjen Mulder. € 5,-
prices are in Euros.
Postage is charged extra, except on orders above € 100,-.
Payments should be made by Postgiro to account nr. 3607735 in the name of M.R.Gibbs. Bank cheques are only accepted if € 10,-,- is added to cover transfer charges.